Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter 2008

Our family had a wonderful Easter weekend! It all started with an Easter Egg hunt at our church on Saturday. The girls loved picking up Easter eggs and the puppet show that followed. They also got to decorate their own cookie and eat it! What a mess! Then, on Sunday we went to our church for the Easter service. We just recently joined a new church and were excited to see what the Easter service was like in a big church! It was wonderful. The girls also love going to the nursery there! After church we ate lunch with Grammy and Grandaddy and visited my great aunt in the nursing home. We just had a wonderful family day. We returned to church Sunday night to hear Larry Ford in concert. That was also wonderful! I hope that you enjoy our Easter pictures!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Our Easter Story

Easter has always been a special time for Rick and I. We have always celebrated Jesus' resurrection on this day. Last Easter was a little different for us though. We didn't get to go to the Easter service at our church like we had done in years past. This was because our beautiful twin daughters were born on April 2nd and Easter was April 8th last year. Some of you may not know the trials that we went through to get our girls home with us. It's not even something that we like to talk about, but it has been on my mind and heart alot lately so I feel that this is the place to share it. I was admitted into the hospital on March 15th which was 31 weeks gestation for the girls. I was in labor. They were able to stop the labor and give me the steroid shots to help the girls lungs develop quicker. At this time the NICU doctors came in to prep us for what was going to most likely happen if the girls were born then. They told us that the girls would most likely have to stay in the NICU until their due date which was May 18th. This was a very scary thing to hear because when you dream about having a baby, no where in your head do you imagine having to leave them at the hospital. Well, I was able to keep the girls inside me for 2 1/2 more weeks. On April 2nd the doctors told me that I was once again in labor. At this point I was 33 1/2 weeks gestation. I had the girls with only a few minor complications and they were wisked away to the NICU. We were able to go and see them 1 hour after I was back in my room. Rick rolled me in my wheel chair to see them in the NICU. There were two tiny babies in two seperate beds surrounded by nurses. I don't even remember the words that they were saying to me, just that my babies were ok. I didn't sleep a wink that night. The next moring I woke my mom up and had her roll me back to the NICU to see my girls. I was able to hold them for the first time. They both had little IV's in their tiny arms and looked pitiful. We made this journey many times a day to see the girls. The doctors recommended that we be there at every feeding. On April 4th I was discharged from the hospital without my babies. This was extremely hard for us. We came home and rested before getting up bright and early the next day to go back to the NICU. This lasted two days before they told us that we could take Maddie home the day before Easter. Ella Grace had to have a feeding tube placed in her nose because she was working too hard to eat and this caused her to lose weight instead of gain. It was very hard to bring one baby home with us and leave the other baby at the hospital all alone. I cried and cried. We brought Maddie home and had a very successful night with her. On Easter Sunday we got up and got Maddie dressed to go to Easter lunch at my parents house. As soon as lunch was over we left Maddie and my parents and went to the hospital to visit with Ella Grace. I will never forget how little she looked with her "Babies First Easter" bib on. The nurses told us that we could probably bring her home the next day. Well, when Monday rolled around she had lost some more weight and they said that she had to stay another day. We were devestated. We once again had to leave Maddie to go and visit Ella Grace. Finally, on Tuesday they told us that we could bring Ella Grace home. I tell you all of this to tell you that Easter now has a different meaning to our family. We are so thankful that God gave us these two healthy, beautiful baby girls! They are truely a miricale. And the fact that we only had to do the NICU for a total of 8 days was a miricale. April 10th sure beat May 18th. I hope that you enjoy our story and get to know a little more about us and what we have been through! Here is a picture of the girls in the NICU the day that we brought Maddie home.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dreaded Stomach Virus

Yes, we have all had a stomach virus. It started at 3:00 am Friday morning when Ella Grace woke us up throwing up. I took her to the doctor that morning and he told me that it was a stomach virus. Well, we made it through Friday with Ella Grace throwing up every thirty minutes for most of the day. We took her back to the doctor Saturday morning to get a second opinion since she was so lifeless and no one else was sick. Well, little did we know that we were all going to be very sick in just a few short hours. By late Saturday afternoon, Rick, myself, Grammy, and Grandaddy were all sick. It has been a very long two days. Somehow Maddie has managed to escape this so far. Hopefully she will not get it since everyone is on the road to recovery. We will all be glad when this thing has passed. Thanks for thinking of us!