A lot has happened since our last post. I am going to try to catch you up. Lets see... the girls turned 2 on April 2ND. We took them to Columbia again this year and visited the Ed Venture museum and then went to the zoo!
Also, we found out that the girls are going to be big sisters! What a suprise to us! We are going to be welcoming another girl into our family in November! Her name is Hannah Ruth Skipper and we are calling her Ruthie! The girls are very excited about this new addition and have already decided that she will be sleeping with them. I don't think that they understand what is about to hit them. We have also taken the paci's away and started potty training! The paci's were much easier than the potty training thing! We have been swimming a lot lately and I hope to get some pics of the girls swimming to share with everyone!