Thursday, June 12, 2008

After the Party

Well, after the girls birthday was where things started to fall apart. I took them for their 12 month checkup at the doctor and Ella Grace had pink eye. A few days later Maddie had a high fever with cold symptoms. It was a Viral infection that we all developed. Rick's even turned into Pneumonia. This sickness was passed around several times and lasted for the entire month of April and most of May. They had ear infections and colds. Something good did happen though. Ella Grace started walking. They both were running, that is until Maddie fell out of a small chair on May 31 and fractured her shin. That has been an ordeal in itself since it took the doctors over a week to figure out what was wrong with her and how to fix it. She is now in a splint that we can remove for baths, swimming, and sleeping. She is pretty cute! I wish I could post pictures to show you. I also have a video of them feeding themselves yogurt with a spoon for the first time. I think we are all caught up and I will continue to work on posting pictures and videos!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I sure hope June is better for you guys. Hope to see some new pictures on here soon and video of the girls walking. Times goes by so fast. We are having Nolan's 2nd birthday party tomorrow (birthday is the 16th) and Eli will be 6 July 22nd. Happy Father's Day Rick! Ashley, enjoy your summer. Love, Brenda