Saturday, June 7, 2008

We're Back!!!!

Well, it's been a long time since I have blogged. Alot has happened. I am going to try to post a series of posts to catch everyone up. Let's start with the birthday week! The girls turned 1 on April 2nd! Rick and I were both off that week so we had a great time with the girls. We took them to the zoo on Tuesday of that week. They loved it! We gave them all of their presents from us on their birthday. It was like Christmas in April. They got a kitchen set, baby dolls, baby doll strollers, and a phone! Then, we had their birthday party on the Saturday after their birthday. It was so much fun. We invited family and a few close friends. Ella Grace loved her cake and dug right into it. Maddie loved her cake also but didn't want to get messy. I had to feed it to her with a fork. It was a great day! I will try to post some pictures but sometimes my compter acts crazy!


J.E. said...

seriously..... it took you long enough!!!!!!! Glad youre back!!

J.E. said...

seriously..... it took you long enough!!!!!!! Glad youre back!!